DENA 600

Maris Solid Booms comprise of a curtain boom with added tension member combined with solid foam flotation. This oil and debris barrier is typically for protected water and fast current use.


Maris Solid Booms is a versatile, general-purpose boom designed for use in many different spill response applications. The boom freeboard is maintained with cylindrical foam floats. These floats offer a high degree of wave conformance and reserve buoyancy in choppy or rough conditions.

- Ideal for operations in ports, harbors, lakes, rivers, streams, inland and – coastal where a quick response is required

- Available in a wide range of heavy-duty / PU fabrics

- Cylindrical foam floatation ( HDPE ) for maximum memory characteristics.

- Will retain shape, will not crush or break into pieces.

- Corrosion resistant ASTM style marine grade aluminum connectors

- Heavy duty galvanized steel ballast chain

- Custom sizes available.

Professioneller Lösungspartner.

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